Feeling Some Type of Way?
Are you in a mood? Let us know about it! #bewell #bewellcoloradosprings #bewellcounseling #playtherapy #behavioraltherapy...

Are you ever coming back?
Fear not Be Well Family! We would like to extend our gratitude to everyone that has made the transition to telehealth and virtual...

Feeling a Little Torn and Tattered?
The trials and tribulations of life often have us feeling torn and ripped apart. The fear of never being able to put oneself back...

Want to Create Something Calming and Fun for Everyone?
Recipe for Lavender Playdough - For a relaxing and therapeutic activity, mix up and smell the flowers.

Work is. . . Work
Work, whether you like it or not, you have to go. Sometimes we love our jobs and other times we have to seriously assess whether our...

We Stand
The strength of a community is only as strong as the individuals holding it together. We are here to support you so that you can uplift...